Jeffrey: chef who immigrated from Ghana to Palermo and is now thinking of opening his restaurant in Dhaka

Information source: Non sprecare
A symbolic story of immigration that works. A boy who cultivates his passion in the kitchen, works and learns the trade. And he wants to go back to his country. With a scientific high school diploma, Jeffrey wanted to be a bank clerk, an impossible landing place for an immigrant from Ghana. But he had the back-up card to play: a passion for cooking. So in Palermo he started working for some restaurants, from "Nino' u ballerino" to "Pipi Room". Then the arrival at Cre Zi Plus, at the Palermo shipyards, a multi-ethnic place, where Sicilian cuisine mixes with Arab and contemporary variations. Here Jeffrey becomes a real chef, and with his savings he flies to Dhaka, the capital of Ghana, to take the first step towards a second life. He buys land where he intends to open a Sicilian restaurant in Dhaka. With Jeffrey's specialty at the top of the menu list: pasta with sardines. A story that demonstrates once again how immigration, when managed well, creates wealth, and one can also return to the countries of origin, from where one leaves out of desperation and poverty. For a finally normal life.

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Posted on: 20/04/2023 17:33:21

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